Christmas was really fun here. Robert gets really excited for Christmas. On Christmas Eve, I told Robert that we couldn't get up till 6 at the earliest because he usually gets up at like 4 and wakes me up. I'm not good at that early in the morning. So we didn't even get home till 11 and I still had to wrap presents so we didn't go to bed till way late ans then Robert woke up again at 6:20. He said that waiting those extra couple mins were the longest ten mins of his life! I'm sure he was exagerating a little bit but we had fun. Santa brought us some pretty good loot too! We got Rock Band and a new camera and a few other fun things but those were our fun things. So al morning we were rocking out! It was lots of fun. Then we went to my parents and got some more loot and the best thing from that was Wii Fit. That is a fun little toy! I've been doing it for the last few days and I can already feel my sides burning. It's lots of fun. I'm still getting the hang of my new camera so I'll definately be posting some pictures in the next few days. But everything here has been great. I got my real Christmas wish - SNOW! And lots of it! Well I really just wanted a bunch at my house so that I can make a snowman again, not necessarily that it dump all across the U.S. and cause lots of problems but hey the more we get in the mountains the better the skiing and snowmobiling!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
It's over!!
Well, it's official. I am now an alumni of Utah State University! It was pretty cool. I can't believe that I'm done. It hasn't really hit me yet that it's all over. However I am really glad that I don't have to drive through the canyon and the snow and all that fun stuff.
The drive up to Logan was kinda scary. It began snowing really early in the morning and didn't stop until after the ceremony was all over. It was really cool because it wasn't a very long graduation since it was a fall/winter graduation. So it was only an hour and a half rather than like 4 hours so that was good. But it was really fun because Robert, my parents, my in-laws and my niece Tieler and the foreign exchange student (Myla) that is staying with my in-laws all braved the storm and came up to watch me graduate. It really really cool. However the sad part is that my mother-in-law accidently deleted all the pictures on her camera, including my graduation pictures. She was the only one that managed to remember to bring a camera. But luckily we had to buy the cap and gown and all the fun stuff so I can re-create almost everything. So once I do that I'll post some pictures.
And, now that I'm all done with school I'll have much more time to take pictures of my house, my horses and all the other fun stuff that I've been talking about.
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Posted by Bonnie at 7:51 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Almost over!!!
Graduation is on Friday!!!! Yay!!
I can't even begin to describe how excited/relieved I am to not have to do any more homework or finals! And no, I am not going to get a masters. I don't think that the plants will know the differnce. ;) Anway, I'll try and remember to get some pictures of the exciting day!
Posted by Bonnie at 9:40 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Ten days and counting
Posted by Bonnie at 9:45 AM 1 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Empty Nesters
Well, it's official. Tom's (But to all of his friends it's Thomas. Weird huh?) now a married man. It was a happy/sad day. I think that my dad and I were to only ones that were crying. But then again for my dad it's his only son and it's also his last child. Which means that mom and dad are now definately empty nesters. But for me it was sad beause Tom is my little brother. This means that he is all grown up now and that means that I am too. It's the beginning of a new life for them. It's really exciting and I'm really happy for him. the ceremony was very beautiful. Carter and Adam, my sister's boys, were the ring bearer's and they were adorable! I'll have to get some pictures of them. But everything went well and they had many people come to wish them well. Ashley asked me to do her makeup for the day. That was interesting. I've just started to do my Mary Kay business so I was a little nervous. But it turned out beautiful. Anyway, good times ahead right? Now we're all married I guess we are all grown ups.
Posted by Bonnie at 2:01 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Two days and counting...
So it's been a while, so much as been going on. There is only a month left till I graduate from college. I am getting SO excited!! I can't even describe it! Then on top of all this Tom is getting married in only TWO DAYS!!! It's weird to think that my little brother is going to be married. But I guess that means that we're all growing up.
Since Tom wedding is coming up that also means that there are lots of relatives in town. The one that I was most excited for was my sister Susan and her family. It's been really fun to get phone calls from my nephews asking about when they get to come and ride horses and and hang out with Cowboy Robert.
Well, I guess i'll definately have to write and post some pictures of the newlyweds.
Posted by Bonnie at 9:03 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Cold days make you think...
Ya know you never really realize how important friends are to you until they aren't around anymore. It's kinda a sad realization that has been sneaking up on me recently. All this cold weather makes me think about things a lot more. And I realized that most of the friends that I did things with like 3 or 4 months ago haven't really been around since then. And it seems like when we do things together that time period has been getting much, much bigger. It's really kinda depressing what a cold, blustry day will make you think of. But then I have to remember, Friends may come and go, but your family is always there. And ya know, that saying is so true! Thinking back to years ago in high school, the only thing that mattered to me was my boyfriend and my friends. I could have cared less what my family was doing. Then I got to college, where friends are a good thing to have if your living away from home. But you start to realize that family is a pretty good thing. Because eventually your friends from college get married and then they join the married club and then you don't see them anymore. But then when you get married and find fun married friends then everything is back to normal. Family in this time of life is also like your friends. You begin to start thinking "Hmm, I wonder what my parents are doing tonight?" But now, I guess I'm in that stage where all of my friends have kids and are now in the 'young family' circle so I really don't see them anymore. It's really sad to see this day come and hopefully sometime I will be in the same circle as they in the future and we will be able to get together again. However, I am truly happy that I have been able to hang out with my parents, my sister and her family, my little brother and his fiance, and my greatest friend of all - my hubby. It's always a good day when I get to stay home and play the wii with him and kick his but in sports! ;)
Posted by Bonnie at 4:23 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
New addition
Hey all! So here's the newest additional to our gang. Robert and I just bought another horse to add to our group. I forgot to download the picture of her but I'll get one up soon. She's really really tall. For those who know heights of horses, she's 16.1 hands high. That's taller than Robert's horse Red and much taller than our other horse Sassy. She's about 4 years old and is a Blue Roan. Her name is Jordan for right now but we might change it to Blue Belle or something like that.
Things have been going pretty well for us. Robert has been staying busy between installing satellites and cleaning carpets. I have also been staying pretty busy with my last semester of school and also working when I can. Other than that not much has changed for us.
Posted by Bonnie at 10:04 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Time Flies When You're Having Fun
Well, it's been awhile and a ton of things have happened since I last blogged. But the most recent happened yesterday. It was our anniversary. Two years ago yesterday Robert and I got married. It has been an awesome ride since the day I said yes! I've done so many things and been to some places I've never been before. I love my fabuloous husband even more now than I did two years ago! Happy anniversary cowboy! I love you!
One of the other fun things we got to do this summer besides riding horses and boating, was being able to go to Seattle to see my sister and her family and to be able to see where Robert served his mission. It was so much fun to be able to see Sue and Charlie and thier kids. The thing that sparked this trip was Susan having her cute little baby girl Brianna Marie. She looks just like the family! So we went up there to go to the baby blessing and to stay and hang out with a few of the families that Robert used to hang out with a lot. It was lots of fun and we got to see lots of green, green grass and tree. I know you're thinking we have all of that here Bonnie. But these trees and the grass there is really green. It's cool. So that was a fun little trip that we were able to go on this summer. Anyway, I have to go now, Robert just got home and is getting ready to go boating so I guess that's my cue to get off and get ready too.
Posted by Bonnie at 3:41 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Making History
Ok, so I know it's been almost a month since I last posted but things have been especially crazy since then. So the rodeo went ok. I kinda had a hard time with my horse through the whole night but I made it through. The only bad thing is that I had gone boating the day or two before and had hurt my back so riding hurt my back even more. But I got a lot of pain relievers and that helped a lot. The next night went better. I worked out most of the issues with the horse and did fairly well through the whole thing. However at the end I was struggling a little with my back and keeping my feet in the stirrups, so at the end I finally got my foot back into the stirrup and began to exit out the arena. Well, unfortunately I made a dumb mistake by not checking my cinch before we went in and Flash (the horse I was riding) sucked in his gut a bunch so my saddle worked pretty loose and slide off with me along with it. I almost made it out of the arena before I fell off but, I did fall off. So that Sucked! But luckily I landed on my butt then fell on my back so I didn't re-injure my back but I sure was hurting to move. I have been popping so many pills to try and get my back rested up to be able to ride again that one would think that I was a druggie! I sure felt like one.
Well luckily my back has been feeling better enough to ride, but there also have been issues with the horses and so I haven't been able to ride in the Ogden Pioneer Days Rodeo at all but I might be able to ride in the State Fair in a month and a half or so. So I'll keep you posted!
Posted by Bonnie at 1:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Oh my goodnes!! So on Friday is the first performance for us for Posse! I'm so nervous! It's scary to think about sometimes! Cause ya know the whole riding with guys, in front of thousands of people, making hisory and posibbly making a fool of myself! Anyway, so if you couldn't tell I am way nervous. Just thinking about it makes me shake! But I am way excited though. It should be pretty god as long as I keep my feet in the stirrups of the saddle and my butt on the seat. I'm trying to get someone to come and take a video of us riding so those of you who are far away can see what I'm up to.
When i tell Robert that I am nervous he says "Well, don't be!" And somehow that just isn't very comforting! I'm not sure why... Oh I know! Cause that doesn't help! No, really he has been really good to put up with me riding by him and helping me figure out what to do to make my riding look more smooth and in sync with everyon else. We've been going riding almost every Sunday afternoon to practice and sometimes in the evenings during the week. You'd be surprised at how much I've improved in just the month or so that I've really been riding with these guys! It surprises me sometimes to think about it. I'll let you know how things go! Wish me luck!!!
Posted by Bonnie at 3:46 PM 2 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
So just to update you on my foot issue - I'm doing much better. I didn't go in and get a shot, I'm a baby what more can I say. Anyway, So I got some stuff from the doctor that is supposed to be so freakin amazing that she said that it can cure just about anything. So I figured what the heck and have been putting it on and being really careful about what I do. And what do you know, it's getting better and it doesn't hurt so much anymore either! It also might have to do with the fact that I've been taking a bunch of pain killers and keep putting that stuff on it and it's really been helping a ton. Yesterday I even went to practice and rode the whole time even though my foot kinda hurt. But I made it through and Robert said that I am doing much better each week that I ride. So that's a good thing among all this crappy nail in foot stuff!
Posted by Bonnie at 10:26 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Ok so yesterday I came home and brought with me some round-up and fertilizer to use around the house. Well I got home and was spraying the weeds around the dog kennel and in between the corral and I was trying to get some weeds that were farther behind the kennel and stepped down on some boards. Well I guess I wasn't paying much attention or it really blended in to the wood but I stepped on a nail! And holy crap!! It hurt like heck! The nail went into my flip flop (I know, I know - Why the heck was I spraying and wearing flip flops? well, that is a very good question that I don't really have an answer to.) and then into my foot right under my second toe on my left foot. And ya it really hurts! Robert had to come out and help me get to the house. He had to pull my flip flop off the nail but he said that like 1/4 to 3/8ths inch of the nail was probably in my foot. So it wasn't way deep but enough that it really hurts to walk on it. And it really sucks cause its in the right place that even shifting gears in my car is extremely painful! But I called the health department and they said that I needed to get a tetanus shot again cause the last time I had one was nine years ago and it's supposed to be good for ten, so I should be covered. We'll see how things go tomorrow, cause I really hate to get shots, so if it starts looking better I'm not going to go and get one... I know your all saying "Holy crap Bonnie! Don't be stupid! Go and get a shot!" but I really really hate getting shots. So I'm hoping I don't have to. Anyway I'll keep you posted on how things are going.
Posted by Bonnie at 6:16 PM 2 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
For those of you who don't know what the Posse is, it is actually called the Weber County Sheriff's Mounted Posse. It is a group of men who do a precission drill on horseback as a speciality act (or half time for those who don't go to rodeos) during different rodeos throughout the summer. It's really quite fun because they do the drill at a run. Even though the drill is about 5 mins long it is really quite interesting to watch them do it. If any of you are going to be around the Ogden or Salt Lake area this summer and want to come and watch then give me a call and we should be able to get you tickets in to the rodeo. But anyway, I'll try to post some pictures of me riding with the guys.
Posted by Bonnie at 10:18 PM 3 comments
Saturday, June 7, 2008
New Stuff
Well since the last time I updated not a whole lot has happened. Other than I was working like crazy, and going to school sometimes. Robert has been working during the morning and early afternoon and then comining home and working with Sassy. She's been learning a lot in the short amount of time that we've had her. She is really a smart horse.
But on to some interesting news. For the last month or so, Robert and I have been riding with the Posse in drill practice and getting ready for our shows that will start here in a few weeks. But the another interesting fact is that they have never allowed women to ride in the actual preformances. It's only ever been men since the Posse has been established. And that's been a very long time. So here's the awesome thing about this year... I'm going to be the first woman to ride in the preformances - EVER!! Cool huh! I'm way excited! I can't even tell you. It's crazy because I've really only been riding for a year or so. But Robert thinks that I am riding well enough to ride with them. And I've been filling in for the last four weeks or so and I'm getting the hang of it. It's really fun. I'm excited to be able to do it. But I'm almost scared at the same time because it's a rush to be in the arena and doing the drill with all the adrenaline pumping and the horses all excited and stuff. It's going to be crazy. Hopefully I'll do okay. I guess with lots of practice and confidence and stuff I'll do okay. Anyway, that's really all that I have for now. Later!
Posted by Bonnie at 8:49 PM 1 comments
Saturday, May 17, 2008
School's back in in session
So here's a little bit on what has been going on with us. I've been working like crazy out at the greenhouse spending more than 10 hours out there just trying to catch up on things out there. And I've also been done with school for about two weeks but this week summer semester started and I'm back at it again. and oh does it suck! But if I want graduate this fall like I've been planning then I need to take these classes. So I'll be done soon! I'm way excited! Robert has been working with th horse a lot more since work for him has been hit and miss the last few weeks so it's good that Sassy is getting worked with. So hopefully I'll be on her riding around like a pro soon! And on Thursdays Robert has Posse practice and I've been meeting him after work and have been fillng in for the missing members for the night. I'm getting a lot better riding and soon I'll be running at full speed! Exciting huh?! I think so! It's kinda scary though at the same time. Anyway, That's all I've got for now! Later!
Posted by Bonnie at 9:56 PM 1 comments
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Holy Cow!
Oh my goodness has this week been busy! Today was the last day of the busiest week of the season for us out at the greenhouse. We had SOO many people out there today! It was insane! There were tons of holes in all the things that we had left! I was suprised to see everything fly out like it did. And to really put things in to perspective with how much stuff we sold this week not only from our retail customers but also for our wholesale customers, on wednesday we sent out 33 carts to our customers. And each cart holds 50 flats, so times that out and you pretty much get how much stuff left our greenhouses just about everyday this week. Crazy huh, so that's why I haven't posted for a little why, I've just been too darn tired. I think that I've already worked like 50 hours or better this week. Sad huh, but it's ok because there's only a few more weeks of all this busy stuff then it'll go back to normal hours. So that's good.
Oh and today, I was able to help Robert work with the horse. I got on the horse and rode her around while Robert made her run around and around and around. It was kinda fun but scary though cause when Robert would make her change directions that she was going, she would stop really quickly and I'd just about pop off. It was pretty exciting. Anyway, It's been a pretty exciting week for us around here.
Posted by Bonnie at 9:32 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Yay for blogging like crazy
Ya, I know. When I blog I really blog, but still! I had to catch you all up on what has been happening! Anyway, The real reason was that I was super bored that day and I had remembered to bring my camera home from work so ya, that's why all the blogging. But fun though huh? And all that stuff has happened within the last month or so. And ya, it all started when I started blogging so I figured why not do it all at once? Anyway, I'll save my some of my pictures for another time....
Ha ha just kidding!!
Here's some more pics for ya to feast on:
Here's my beautiful saddle that I bought a few months ago. Ain't it purty? (For those of you who don't get 'Hick' talk here's the translation into plain English: Isn't that pretty?Look at all the detail in the tooling in the leather! ha ha I'm funny huh?)
And now...(drum roll)... making her debut on the blogging scene....Miss...Sassy....Blue....Somesocks!!!
She's cute. She looks kinda little in this picture. But she is only two, so she's just taller than I am. So probably 5'10" tall. Maybe taller. But Robert has been working her a bit more and he thinks that I will be able to get on her and start working with her next week or so. Fun huh? Im kinda excited but nervous too. I'm hoping that she doesn't buck me off or something. I'll keep you posted though.
And here's our dog Izzy. She's a purebred chocolate lab. She'll be three this month or next. I can't remember for sure but it's somewhere close to now. But she's a really good dog. However she's not always as smart as she should be. Last fall she was playing around by the horses (and what I mean by playing around is really that she was playing under and between the horses feet) and she got stepped on and ended up breaking her back leg. Sad huh? To make matters worse, I think that this happened the weekend before the opening day of the duck hunt. And for those of you who know Robert, you KNOW that he loves to duck hunt. So this was a big deal for him. He had been working really hard with her to get her all ready to take out with him. So it was really sad. But we got it all fixed and she had to stay inside for about 3 months. And we all know that that is also a big no no. But we managed. And luckily this all happened before we did all of our remodeling.
But anyway, I think that's enough for this time. Until later!
Posted by Bonnie at 8:08 PM 2 comments
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Visit from Sue
So to tell how bad I am about getting pics up, my sister Susan and her family came through town on their way from moving from Indiana to Washington about two weeks or so ago. And her son Carter loves horses and cowboys. And of course who better to do cowboy stuff and see horses than to come see Uncle Robert and Aunt Bonnie. So they came out and we rode horses for a few hours. It was lots of fun and everyone had a good time. Carter rode with 'Cowboy Robert' the whole time and I got to take William with me for a little ride.
William being just like his daddy. Cute huh?
So after we got done riding we went over to my house (which is only three houses down from this arena. Cool huh?) and had a barbeque. It was lots of fun and my dog sure did love being around the kids and being chased. Carter loves to chase her.
Posted by Bonnie at 3:21 PM 4 comments
Saturday, April 26, 2008
More Pics
Here's some more pics of our new room: This one is of some of our friends and Tom helping us put in the sheet rock on our ceiling. Before it was this horrid drop ceiling that was broken all over and when the wind would blow the tiles would move. Way creepy so I'm glad that it's gone!
this is the finished product of our doors, walls, and trim. These doors are to our huge bathroom and to our closet.
This is our awesome red wall. It's not as crazy red as it looks. It's a little bit darker but with the sun shining on it it looks way bright. And the red stuff on the floor is our pad for the carpet.
Robert cutting the carpet the right size so that the carpet layer can get it all in and stretched. The carpet is an olive green color with tan and darker green flecks in it. It looks way cool.
Stay tuned for more of pictures of riding with the nephews and my cute animals.
Posted by Bonnie at 10:09 PM 0 comments
Pictures!! Finally!!
So I've finally had some time to download some of our pictures. So here's some to update you on what's been happening with us: This is a picture from when we went to Hawaii over Christmas and New Year. It was WAY cool by the way, just in case you were wondering. But this was taken at the Polynesian Cultural Center at the Luau they have there. And yes those are real Plumeria flowers and yes they smelled wonderful!
This is when we were on Kuai. We spent the majority of our time here. It was cool. This beach is usually a hot spot for visitors but at this time of year the tide is so strong and the waves are so huge that they close it off to swimmers. So instead of swimming on a overcast, windy day, we just walked down the beach. It was awesome! You can't really tell but we were about 50 feet from where the waves were breaking on the shore. And let me tell you what - those waves were at least 15 feet tall! No joke either! I'm probably even under estimating that too! It was cool!
We got the chance to go deep sea fishing and this is what Robert got to reel in on our way out fishing. It was a small Marlin. And yeah, that fish is really as big as it looks. And that was SMALL!! The fish was about like 6 feet long. I've even got video of him reeling it in. I'll try and post that another time. That trip was really fun too because pretty much everyone but me and Mark got sea sick and threw up over the side of the boat. And it was me, Robert, Jim, Tammie, Mark and this other guy that was staying in our complex. but it was crazy!
This is what my family room looked like when we moved in. and yes it was really as ugly as it looks. Probably even worse that you think though. But anyway, it's gone now... he, he, he
This old barn looking wood is what was underneath the ugly paneling in our family room. Cool huh? I thought so and luckily for me, my husband and I think a lot alike. So we kept the wood paneling and changed our original plans for remodeling that room. Oh and it's also cool because it even has some lichen left that had grown on the wood from who knows when. It's awesome!
Posted by Bonnie at 9:42 PM 1 comments
It has begun
So today marked the beginning of the busy season for us. Today was the first real day for us at the greenhouse. Today we began selling to the public for the first busy Saturday before Mother's Day. And it will continue to get busy up until we start running out of things to sell to people. It's crazy. Today I helped a steady stream of people all morning long. It was crazy! And it's fun too because a lot of the people that come out are people that have come out many times before. And it never fails for me to hear people say "Oh my gosh! I've lived just down the street from here for 20 years and I've never known that you were here until my friend told me about it!" It's funny. People don't really notice the things that they are surrounded by until someone else points it out to them. It's fun though. Retail sales keep me running around all day long, and shoot, with all this running arounf keeping tabs on all the people in all 30 some odd greenhouses, I'd be skinny as a stick by the end of the season! We'll see though.
It's also begun for Robert too because Posse just started with their weekly drill practice this last thursday and then this morning they went on their spring ride up North Ogden Divide. I wish that I could have gone because that is a really pretty ride. But of course, I had to work. But it's ok. This last week has started the endless running around from event to event. It'll be so much fun with all the things that the posse is going to be involved in this year. They are doing a stage coach robbery this year in conjunction with the Ogden Pioneer Days Rodeo. I'm excited.
Posted by Bonnie at 9:28 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Busy season, well it's supposed to be anyway...
So it's been forever since I last did a blog. So here's what's been going on. I have been running around like crazy trying to keep up with everything that is going on at the greenhouse. We've really been getting busy this last week. But all this stupid weather is putting a cramp in our selling. But hopefully this weather will break and then we'll start selling like crazy! That would be AWESOME!!! Anyway, pray for really good weather for me so that I can get rid of all these plants! Robert's been doing a few carpet cleanings and satellite installations. But he's also been working a lot with Sass (aka Sassy Blue Somesocks, my horse) She's getting pretty good at doing what he wants her to do. He says that I need to be ready to get on her in a week or two. Scary! Hopefully she won't throw me off! That would suck. Anyway, We just found out that she could possibly have some Roan genes in her. That would be was cool cause I really want to get a blue roan. Those horses are georgeous! For those of you who don't know what they are, it's a black horse that has a blue sheen to it. It's neat lookin. Since I last blogged, my sister Susan and her family came through and stayed for a few days with my parents and were able to come riding with me and Robert last Sunday. It was so much fun. We rode for about 2 1/2 hours. And Carter rode with Robert the whole time! It was really fun for Robert. We also got Will on and he rode around with me for a little bit and then was done. Charlie also got a chance to ride around for a bit and Sue didn't get on because she's pregnant with their third child (She's having a girl. YAY!!) I will hopefully get some time to post all my pictures this weekend now that finals are OVER!!! YAY!
Posted by Bonnie at 5:18 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Yesterday Robert went out and worked with Sassy, my new 2 yr old gray mare. He decided that she needed to be worked a bit so he worked with her on running circles in the corrall. It took her a little while to figure out that she was supposed to run around the right way and when Robert wanted her to but she eventually figured that out. She's starting to shed her winter coat and she's looking a lot lighter gray than she did when we got her. Well, at least her back end is getting lighter, her front end is still really dark. Robert is glad that she's dark and not light. But I'm glad that she's light not dark. So we'll see if she's a mix or is she decides that she wants to be one shade or the other. I'll try to get some pictures posted of her soon. But for now use your imagination. She has white on her front two feet and on one of her back feet. A blaze down her face, a very long tail and thick mane. She's cute. I like her. She's also starting to recognize my car and that I'm in the car. When I get ready to leave for work in the morning she comes over to the fence and whinnies at me to come over and give her a scratch on the head. It's fun. I can only imagine that she's kinda like a kid, but she doesn't talk and she doesn't have to go every where with me. Ok so it's not really like having a kid, but I love her just the same. It's the closest that I can get to one for now though.
Posted by Bonnie at 9:51 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Today was the day that I have trying to forget about for the last month. Today went to the dentist to get some work done on my teeth. I had to get three fillings on the right side of my mouth. That's not too bad, but to make it worse than I already felt that it was going to be. Eveything started off normal. I sat down and was waiting patiently for the dentist to come in and get started. So I sat there for about twenty minutes just waiting. It was incredibly boring. Anyway, so he came in and numbed the right side of my mouth and went and did his thing then came back and started working away. He started on the top two teeth and then began on my bottom tooth. (Before he started he promised me that I wouldn't feel a thing, just a little pressure and virations.) So he gets going on the bottom and I start feeling pain, not much but just enough to kinda make my stomach hurt. Then he keeps going and he got a little closer and it hurt and it hurt bad!! So I flinched and put my hand in the air. And he goes "You can feel that!" and I thinking DUH! it's not an April fool's joke or anything! So he numbed me up again and continued on. He got done about 30 mins. later but my mouth was numb on the bottom right side for about 4 hours! It was crazy! So it was over without too much trouble but those kinds of visits aren't fun. Too bad I'm not done with him for a while... I have to go back in on the 29th to get some work done on the other side too. I'm not excited... Can you blame me?
Posted by Bonnie at 4:34 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 30, 2008
New beginnings
Today while sitting around at home with Robert and doing my homework for one of my classes this week, it hit me. I'm almost done with school! I graduate this fall with my degree in horticulture with a business minor. It's crazy to think that after this fall, I won't need to go to school anymore to complete my degree! I can go to work and not have to worry about what assignment is due or if I have a test that week. It's wonderful yet absolutely hard to believe! But this means that now I can focus on the greenhouse and begin to take on more responsibilty there. With this new step in my life of no more school, I can also start looking forward to beginning my family, whether it is in the near future or a few years ahead... I don't know. But I do know that it will happen. and that makes me really happy!!
Posted by Bonnie at 6:54 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 28, 2008
Hey all
I figured that I better start a blog so that everyone can see what's going on with me. Because it feels like a ton has happened. So let me just give you a quick update:
Robert and I have now been married for 1 year and 7 months. It's crazy! It feels like it's been longer than that. But it's been a blast. We moved into a house just down the road from Robert's parents and only about 15 mins away from my parents, so we're still pretty close to both of our families. We've been doing pretty good in this house. It's a really cute older home and we've been doing or best to try and give it a face lift. I'll try to post some pictures of our renovations of our home.
Anyway, I'm also going to school and working like crazy out at the greenhouses. It's really picking up now! Everything is starting to grow and the greenhouses are quickly filling up. It's fun. I love to see all the new growth! Good thing I'll be doing this for life huh?
Oh and one other update... No, I'm not pregnant. I just thought that I should say that I am now a cowgirl! I have a horse, a saddle, boots, two cowboy hats (a black and straw hat) and yes, oh yes, the ever famed WRANGLERS!!! However I don't buy the typical Wranglers only the kind that are comfy and look like regular people jeans... ha ha that sounds funny... Anyway...
Well, I have to get going
Posted by Bonnie at 9:38 PM 0 comments