Days Till Baby Comes

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Saturday, June 7, 2008

New Stuff

Well since the last time I updated not a whole lot has happened. Other than I was working like crazy, and going to school sometimes. Robert has been working during the morning and early afternoon and then comining home and working with Sassy. She's been learning a lot in the short amount of time that we've had her. She is really a smart horse.

But on to some interesting news. For the last month or so, Robert and I have been riding with the Posse in drill practice and getting ready for our shows that will start here in a few weeks. But the another interesting fact is that they have never allowed women to ride in the actual preformances. It's only ever been men since the Posse has been established. And that's been a very long time. So here's the awesome thing about this year... I'm going to be the first woman to ride in the preformances - EVER!! Cool huh! I'm way excited! I can't even tell you. It's crazy because I've really only been riding for a year or so. But Robert thinks that I am riding well enough to ride with them. And I've been filling in for the last four weeks or so and I'm getting the hang of it. It's really fun. I'm excited to be able to do it. But I'm almost scared at the same time because it's a rush to be in the arena and doing the drill with all the adrenaline pumping and the horses all excited and stuff. It's going to be crazy. Hopefully I'll do okay. I guess with lots of practice and confidence and stuff I'll do okay. Anyway, that's really all that I have for now. Later!


Meredith said...

That sounds really cool....however...I don't want to sound stupid for asking, but what is the Posse? !!!!!!!! Sounds like a really cool honor! congrats!